Thursday 31 January 2019


Be kind, always
Especially to myself
Think well of others,
until they failed me repeatedly
(more than 3 times).
If so, swiftly remove myself
from that toxic relationship
Value others based on
their actions towards me
and not what they say
they are going to do for/with me

People who said
they have gone through similar shit as me,
don't necessarily came
to the same conclusions as I did
Sometimes they are still assholes
Let them figure things out themselves
They need to go through it themselves
so that they can grow
Don't rob them from their experience

When others ask me
for my opinions or support,
Tell them my opinion gently
Like I am preparing them
for an #itoldyouso moment in the future
but never exercise those moments

Take time to plan
Some plans are black and white,
some have grey areas
If it's black and white,
and I don't feel like doing it,

Stripped down to the basics.
Basics needs.
Shelter. Food. Clean water.

Ask for help, even though it is hard
How am I going to live and love
when I am barely alive?