Wednesday 12 September 2012

We Are SUKARELAWAN (volunteers)

we are sukarelawan
by idaXu Rais 12/09/2012

we are sukarelawan (volunteers)

SUKA (like/love)
we love ALL animals we love animals
enough to SPAY and NEUTER them for their health and well being in a community
we love JAKIM for recognizing the problem
and issued a fatwa on SPAYING and NEUTERING

 "Bahawa mengembiri binatang kesayangan 
seperti kucing dan anjing hukumnya adalah diHARUSkan
dengan sebab-sebab tertentu iaitu demi menjaga kemaslahat ummah."
(fatwa JAKIM 2002)

we love to see animal LIVE their lives instead of just surviving them
we love to help other animal rescuers
with our MEDICAL SUBDIDY providing the rescuers fits the criteria
and follow the our procedures
 we love animals, do you?

 p/s : we also love FOOD :D

RELA (willing)
we are willing to keep our pets indoors
if it makes our neighbors uncomfortable,
using the old excuse "your pet pees and poos everywhere"
we are willing to keep our pets indoors
to avoid our pets being poison, douse with hot water or beaten
we are willing to spend our own free time
on our day off from work to send strays in need of medical attention
we are willing to make time to send our community strays
to be spay or neuter to the vet
we are willing to transport strays in our OWN vehicle
or hail a cab to their destination
we are willing to get our hand dirty with strays' pee & poo
we are willing to skip meals
to ensure our community strays at least gets a meal once a day
we are willing to rescue strays in emergency cases
instead of just watching
or comment in facebook,"oh,what a pity . . "
 we are willing to do our own research online by Google
or finding book about how to take care of animals

we are willing, are you?

LAWAN (fight)
we fight animal abusers by reporting them to DVS
with evidences instead of waiting for others to do it for us
we fight animal abusers by condemming their actions publically
and rescue the animals ourselves if we have to
we fight vocally to discourage buying pets
especially from backyard breeders (BYB)

we fight animal abusers, do you?

think again before you judge us.
we are sukarelawan 

what are YOU doing for your community?

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