Wednesday 20 July 2011

Science Activity : How to make Garbage Enzyme

Since I have been doing zesty meter activity all day long, I had a lot of orange, lemon and lime peel,  why don’t  I make garbage enzyme?

What we need:
1 :
: 10
Sugar  :

preferably unprocessed sugar, brown sugar

Organic waste

To avoid funky smell, use fruits, vegetables but not meat or bones. One auntie told me to use same type of fruit in one container to have an even BETTER smell

: Water

Any plain water will do

Divide the bottle or container (it has to be air tight for the anaerobic, no or little oxygen, bacteria process) into 14 equal parts. Should have put sugar before the water to be more accurate but I hope its more or less enough for the bacteria to live on.

Points to remember

*We have to open the lid once in a while (once a day if we can) during the first month to release the gases formed or it will go kaboom!
*After three months, voila, the enzyme is ready to be used. Pour the liquid through a filter to remove all the residue. The liquid is the enzyme so we can use the residue to start a new batch of garbage enzymes, and is also an excellent fertilizer when blended and dried.