Saturday 28 September 2019

No. Just No.

No. Never looking back again
Never again
But in the corner of my eye
I see your reflection on my rear view mirror
I felt a slight tug in my chest

No. It is no longer a stabbing pain like it was
Like a thousand nails
Forcing their way out of my heart

Holding my hand over my chest
Letting go a sigh of relief
Thank you for saying no
Thank you for letting me go

Driving forward slowly
No. I don't know what is there in the future for me
But I am sure I don't want to be
That person you want me to be
Or that person you think I am
When I was at my lowest
And most certainly at my weakest
No. Just no.

Wiping my dried stained cheeks
from these imaginery tears
Smiling, laughing
It's your loss that I finally had enough
It's your loss and I will make sure of it

YES. - idaXu

#poetry #love #byetinder